This version needs a full reinstallation
Patch Notes:
Vehicles:- AEGIS Sabre Peregrine added
- CRUSADER Intrepid added
- ANVIL Paladin added
- ANVIL F7C-R Tracker MK2 added
- ANVIL F7C-S Ghost MK2 added
- ANVIL Terrapin Medic added
- ARGO CSV SM added
- MISC Starlancer Max added
- MISC Starlancer Tac added
This version can be installed directly from version V5.0.X
Patch Notes:
Vehicles:- AEGIS Sabre Firebird added
- DRAKE Ironclad added
- DRAKE Ironclad Military added
- DRAKE Cutter Scout added
- DRAKE Cutter Rambler added
- MIRAI Pulse added
- MIRAI Pulse LX added
- ANVIL F7C Hornet MK2 added
- ANVIL F7A MK2 updated
- ANVIL F8C updated
- ANVIL F8C Executive updated
This version can be installed directly from version V5.0.X
Patch Notes:
Vehicles:- GATAC Syulen added
- MIRAI Fury LX landed added
- MIRAI Fury LX added
- RSI Zeus MK2 MR added
- RSI Zeus MK2 ES added
- RSI Zeus MK2 CL added
- Tumbril Storm AA added
This version can be installed directly from version V5.0
Patch Notes:
Vehicles:- MIRAI Fury added
- MIRAI Fury landed added
- MIRAI Fury MX added
- MIRAI Fury MX landed added
- TUMBRIL Storm added
- RSI Lynx added
Patch Notes:
Vehicles:- added the AEGIS Eclipse Landed
- added the AEGIS Reclaimer Landed
- added the AEGIS Reclaimer BIS Landed
- added the ANVIL C8R Pisces
- added the ANVIL Crucible Landed
- added the ANVIL Centurion
- added the RSI Scorpius Antares
- added the RSI Scorpius Antares Landed
- remade the RSI Pegasus Carrier
- added the RSI Galaxy
- added the DRAKE Cutter
- added the DRAKE Corsair Landed
- added the GATAC Railen Landed
- added the AOPOA Santokyai landed
- added the AOPOA Karthual landed
- added the GREYCAT STV
- added the CRUSADER SPIRIT C1
- added the CRUSADER SPIRIT A1
- added the CRUSADER SPIRIT E1
- added the MISC Hull A Landed
- added the MISC Hull B Landed
- added the MISC Hull C Landed
- added the MISC Hull D Landed
- added the MISC Hull E Landed
- added the VARIOUS Human man
- added the VARIOUS Plush Pico
- added the VARIOUS Plush Whale
- remade grid floor material
- added a new floor type grey grid
- implemented VR OpenXR support
- added the option to invert mouse axes
- implemented a dark mode
- switched from UE4 to UE5 + OpenXR
- added a patching system
Patch Notes:
Vehicles:- added the AEGIS Idris P
- added the AEGIS Idris M Rework
- added the AEGIS Sabre Comet
- added the AEGIS Retalliator Bomber
- added the AEGIS Redeemer Rework
- added a new model of the AEGIS Javelin
- added a new model of the AEGIS Hammerhead Best In Show Edition
- added the ANVIL Valkyrie Microtech Edition
- added the ANVIL Valkyrie Squadron 42 Edition
- added the ANVIL Carrack Fight Ready Edition
- added the ANVIL Carrack Expedition
- added the ANVIL F7C-M Super Hornet Heartseeker
- added the ANVIL F7A MK2
- added the ANVIL Liberator
- added the ANVIL Spartan
- added the ANVIL Liberator
- added a new model of the ANVIL F8 Lightning
- added the ANVIL F8 Lightning Executive
- added the ARGO Raft
- added the CNOU Mustang Alpha Vindicator
- added the CNOU Nomad
- added the CNOU Hoverquad
- added the CRUSADER Mercury Starrunner Rework
- added the DRAKE Cutlass Red Rework
- added the DRAKE Cutlass Blue Rework
- added the DRAKE Cutlass Steel
- added the DRAKE Caterpiller Pirate Edition
- added the DRAKE Kraken Privateer
- added the DRAKE MULE
- added a new model of the DRAKE Caterpiller Best In Show Edition
- added a new model of the ESPERIA Prowler
- added the ESPERIA Talon
- added the ESPERIA Talon Shrike
- added the GREYCAT ROC
- added the GREYCAT ROC DS
- added the KRUGER P-72 Archimedis Emerald
- added the MISC Razor Concept
- added the M50 Rework
- added the MISC Odyssey
- added the MISC Expanse
- added the ORIGIN M50 Rework
- added the ORIGIN 400i
- added the ORIGIN 400i Meridian Skin
- added the ORIGIN 600i Explorer
- added the ORIGIN 600i Executive
- added the ORIGIN G12
- added the ORIGIN G12R
- added the ORIGIN G12A
- added the TUMBRIL Cyclone MT
- added a new model of the RSI Bengal Carrier
- added the RSI Perseus
- added the RIS Scorpius
- added the RIS Scorpius Landed
- added the RSI Bengal Carrier Rework
- added the GATAC Railen
- added the Kareah Station
- added the Port Olisar Station
- added the Comm Array Staion
- added the ICC Station
- added a new layout -> "Semicircle"
- added a new layout -> "Circle"
- added the possibility to create High-Resolution-Screenshots
- added a cutsomizable day/night cycle
- added a new skybox -> "Space"
- added three new ship hull types
- white
- hologram
- glass
- implemented VR support
- added the possibility to change the scale of the ships
- added the possibility to spawn cargo in ships
- added the possibility to spawn ships in ships
- added the possibility to export an import fleet configurations
- using the Fleetview (StarShip42) standard
- using the Holofleet (SC-Holoviewer) standard
- added background music
- a rework of the entire menu UI making it more dynamic, efficient and userfriendly
- added a news feed tab to the main-menu
- added a UI for runtime gamemode changes
- added a new HUD system including
- the possibility to show ship names and ship specifications
- added the possibility to access keybindings from game
- added a full functional start-loadingscreen
- added the possibility to change gamemode-stettings at runtime
- added multiple performance improvments like
- added a new shipsystem to add more functionality to ships
- LODs for all ships.
- rewriting of the entire Code
- new loading system to pretent the viewer from freezing
- optimization of the minimap rendering
- reduced memory usage
- improvements on package size
Patch Notes:
Vehicles:- added the ANVIL Pisces C8
- added the ANVIL Pisces C8X Expedition
- added the CRUSADER Ares Starfighter Ion
- added the CRUSADER Ares Starfighter Inferno
- polished the ANVIL Carrack Exterior
- added the ARGO Mole
- added the ARGO Mole Talus
- added the ARGO Mole Carbon
- added the DRAKE Cutlass Best-In-Show-Edition
- added the AEGIS Hammerhead Best-In-Show-Edition
- added the AEGIS Reclaimer Best-In-Show-Edition
- added the DRAKE Caterpillar Best-In-Show-Edition
- added Presets for
- all Flight-Ready ships
- all not Flight-Ready ships
- The Updatefeature of the Launcher may not work properly
- -> Deinstall the old Version manually and install again to fix
Patch Notes:
Map:- added a minimap
- added a fourth Floortype -> "No Floor"
- added the AEGIS Nautilus
- added the AEGIS Nautilus Solstice Edition
- added the AEGIS Gladius Pirate Edition
- added the ORIGIN 890 Jump (Flight Ready Edition)
- added the ANVIL Ballista Snowblind
- added a new BANU Defender Version
- added the BANU Defender Landed Version
- added a new AEGIS Vanguard Warden
- added a new AEGIS Vanguard Harbinger
- added a new AEGIS Vanguard Hoplite
- added a new AEGIS Vanguard Sentinal
- added the RSI Mantis
- added multiple improvments to the Thrustermaterials
Patch Notes:
Vehicles:- added the ORIGIN 300i Rework
- added the ORIGIN 315p Rework
- added the ORIGIN 325a Rework
- added the ORIGIN 350r Rework
- added the ANVIL Ballista
- added the ANVIL Ballista Dunestalker
- added a Loadoutsystem for "custome mode"
- added improvments on Thruster materials for multiple ships
Patch Notes:
Map:- added a Girdfloor which can be turned on/off
- added a new AEGIS Avenger Titan model
- added a new RSI Bengal Carrier model
- added a new ANVIL F7A Hornet model
- added the DRAKE Corsair
- added the DRAKE Dragonfly Pink Edition
- added the AEGIS Avenger Titan Renegade
- added the AEGIS Avenger Warlock
- added the AEGIS Avenger Stalker
- added the RSI Ursa Fortuna
- added the ARGO SRV
- added the ANVIL F7C Hornet Wildfire
- added the ORIGIN 85X Concept Edition
- added a ingame Map
- added a new gamemode - > "custome mode"
- added a System for spawning Custom ship constellations in two
- added a Creditscreen
- added a menu for choosing ships for custommode
- added new loadingscreens
- Reworked old loadingscreens
- added improvments on Thruster materials for multiple ships
Patch Notes:
Vehicles:- added a new ANVIL Hawk model
- added a new TUMBRIL CYCLONE Base model
- added a new TUMBRIL CYCLONE AA model
- added a new TUMBRIL CYCLONE RC model
- added a new TUMBRIL CYCLONE RN model
- added a new TUMBRIL CYCLONE TR model
- added MISC Freelancer
- added MISC Freelancer DUR
- added MISC Freelancer MIS
- added MISC Freelancer MAX
Patch Notes:
Vehicle:- added AOPOA SantokYai
- added ANVIL Arrow
- added CNOU Mustang Alpha Rework
- added CNOU Mustang Beta Rework
- added CNOU Mustang Delta Rework
- added CNOU Mustang Gamma Rework
- added CNOU Mustang Omega Rework
- Improvments on ship placement
- reworked play menu
- improvments on thruster materials
Patch Notes:
vehicle:- added ANVIL Valkyrie
- added ANVIL Valkyrie Liberator
- added CRUSADER Mercury Starrunner
- added CRUSADER Mercury Starrunner "BELLIGERENT DUCK"
- added DRAKE Kraken
- added MISC Starfarer Gemini
- Improvments on ship placement
- reworked play menu